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You can find average salaries for this postition at palgad.ee.
Additional information: The opportunity to work in an international environment and grow as a top-level engineer; Training and modern work tools; Flexible working hours
- Harjumaa, Estonia
Time of work
- Full-time
- English
Contact person
Peeter Simson
Peeter Simson
Me oleme tulevikku suunatud teerajajad, eksperdid ja probleemide lahendajad. Loome ja arendame tuleviku personalilahendusi, mis aitavad inimeste karjääril areneda ja ettevõtetel kasvada. Oleme osa rahvusvahelisest kontsernist https://www.bravedo.fi/.
Barona vabad töökohad https://careers.barona.ee/open-positions
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