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Selle ametikoha keskmise palga info leiad aadressilt palgad.ee.
Lisahüved: Evitec values the health and well-being of employees, therefore we offer employer-provided supplementary health-, life- and travel insurance, reimburse participation in sports events. Free parking, flexible working hours, free time activities etc.
- Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti
- Kaugtöö võimalus
Pärnu mnt 158/1
- Täistööaeg
- Paindlik tööaeg
- Inglise
- Eesti
Joni Pieviläinen
Joni Pieviläinen
Evitec is a Nordic expert in software solutions and consultation services for the finance sector. Analytics and data management services are available across multiple sectors. We are a bold innovator and a challenger. Our expertise stems from the deep and long-standing cooperation with our customers for over 30 years.
Our core competence lies in modernising customers businesses through software solutions, consultation services and business expertise, especially in the financial sector.
We have offices in Finland, Estonia and Sweden.
Sarnased töökuulutused:
Full Stack Developer (Backend Focused)
Back-End vanemarendaja (Symfony)